Notch recently created one of his creepiest (confirmed existence) mobs yet. It's going to come out in 1.8 alongside with Silver fish (plus a few more possibly?) And what is this creepy-as-hell mob?
ENDERMAN! Based off of Slenderman from a draw-your-own-creepy-monster-and-make-everyone-think-he's-real contest. Anyways, Enderman is a rare mob (thank god) but what he does is mind his own business picking up blocks and moving them (I guess they could take your house apart) and if they make eye contact with you, kiss your diamond sword goodbye and hope you can hold your breath long enough underwater. They work by when they see you, they stare at you and do nothing. And as soon as you look away, he gets closer to you. And if he's too far away, he'll teleport closer to you (about once per second). If you're fortunate enough not to wet your seat and fight back, he can drop 0-2 diamonds
They cannot go in water, so if you're clever enough to make an underwater house (like me), you should be safe. Keep your armor strong and underwear well stocked for 1.8.
Written by Hunter
That was an amazing post. No kidding.