Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Security, Security, Security...

This was at Comic con. I was cosplaying with Jaxun (who was also cosplaying) on friday and my 3DS died on me (Luckily, Jaxun brought a charger) And so we plugged it in and sat down. A CSC security guard came by and told us to stand up. He was nice about it, so we did. About 1 minute later, another CSC guard came up to us and did this:

"Do you both go to school?!"


"Do you both speak english?!"


"Can you both read?!"


"What does that sign say?!" *points at sign that says to keep moving*

.....*both of us pack up and leave*

Okay, so not only was he incredibly rude and loud, he also insulted our intelligence. Not only that, there was another person (who was standing up and blocking more traffic than we were [regardless if there was no traffic]) who wasn't in cosplay and was charging his cell phone. So, what made him different that he didn't get yelled at too?

Written By Hunter

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